Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Better than a yellow ribbon on your SUV

You'll notice a new link over on the right. It's for www.anysoldier.com, a website that provides all of us with an opportunity to let the men and women of our armed forces know that we're thinking of them. You can browse all the requests from members of the military and send a personal care package. I've got three going out today and I hope they have as much fun opening and using this stuff as I had shopping for it.

The folks in my office have decided we all have enough coffee mugs and candles so we're pooling our money to send more packages. I'm sure there are lots of you out there who could do the same. Go to the website, read their FAQ's and start browsing, but be prepared to get addicted.

Oh -- and choosing who to send stuff to -- that's not going to be easy, either. Don't say I didn't warn you.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks, Dee - and thank Lobster for your inner Marty Allen!

8:22 PM  

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