Why I Marched
-- Because as long as any of my fellow citizens can't enjoy the same rights that I do and are not "equally protected" under the law, America is ignoring its own Constitution.
-- Because just as the civil rights movement for Blacks needed the participation of Whites to succeed, the civil rights movement for GLBT people needs the participation of straight folks to succeed, too.
-- Because the person who lives in THIS house:

...and the people who work in THIS building:

need to understand that equal rights for GLBT citizens is not an issue that is going away.
I'm tired of hearing "He has too much on his plate now." I'm tired of hearing "You have to wait until the country is ready." I'm tired of hearing "Your tactics are ill-timed and confrontational."
Dr. King wrote from his Birmingham jail cell:
We are tired of waiting for America to come to its senses and recognize the equality of all its citizens, regardless of sexual orientation. I know a march is not enough;we need to keep the pressure on the President, on Congress and on state legislatures. And contrary to Barney Frank, we can do both.
Those of us who stand on the side of love and justice will never give up until all of us enjoy the same rights, privileges and protection of the Constitution.
-- Because just as the civil rights movement for Blacks needed the participation of Whites to succeed, the civil rights movement for GLBT people needs the participation of straight folks to succeed, too.
-- Because the person who lives in THIS house:
...and the people who work in THIS building:
need to understand that equal rights for GLBT citizens is not an issue that is going away.
I'm tired of hearing "He has too much on his plate now." I'm tired of hearing "You have to wait until the country is ready." I'm tired of hearing "Your tactics are ill-timed and confrontational."
Dr. King wrote from his Birmingham jail cell:
We know through painful experience that freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed. Frankly, I have yet to engage in a direct action campaign that was "well timed" in the view of those who have not suffered unduly from the disease of segregation. For years now I have heard the word "Wait!" It rings in the ear of every Negro with piercing familiarity. This "Wait" has almost always meant "Never." We must come to see, with one of our distinguished jurists, that "justice too long delayed is justice denied."
We are tired of waiting for America to come to its senses and recognize the equality of all its citizens, regardless of sexual orientation. I know a march is not enough;we need to keep the pressure on the President, on Congress and on state legislatures. And contrary to Barney Frank, we can do both.
Those of us who stand on the side of love and justice will never give up until all of us enjoy the same rights, privileges and protection of the Constitution.