Freedom is on the...ah, screw it.
From the Washington Post
I don’t know just how much of this freedom Iraqis can take.

Or how much we can take, either.
BAGHDAD, April 29 -- Anti-government insurgents responded to the establishment of Iraq's first democratic government with a series of attacks early Friday, including nine bombings and additional mortar rounds, killing at least 24 people and wounding at least 90, many of them Iraqi police and soldiers.
Three suicide bombers, targeting police and Iraqi National Guardsmen, struck in Baghdad's predominantly Sunni district of Adhamiyah, long recognized as a hiding place for many insurgents. Shortly after, two roadside bombs exploded when an Iraqi army convoy passed by in the eastern neighborhood of Ghadir. Three to four mortar rounds also fell in Adhamiyah, police and residents said.
In addition, three bombs exploded near or in the city of Madain, about 18 miles southeast of Baghdad, killing nine and wounding 11, police told wire services. Those bombs also targeted police and soldiers, they added.
I don’t know just how much of this freedom Iraqis can take.

Or how much we can take, either.